sabato 1 dicembre 2012

December - photo a day

Ecco i temi per il mese di dicembre, e qui qualche indicazione aggiuntiva:

1. 8 o’clock: Take a photo at whatever you’re doing at 8am or 8pm.
2. Peace:
What does peace look like for you? Or take a photo of a peace sign.
3. Something you held:
a child, your phone, a gift, a shopping bag – anything!
4. Black + white:
Use a black + white filter on a photo of your choice, or take a photo of something black and white.
5. Looking up:
Get down on the ground and take a photo from down low, looking up.
6. From where you live/your country:
Take a photo of something from your country – a flag, something unique, a traditional dish, or something a little bit more common.
7. Stars:
Take a photo of the stars at night, or stars you see around the place during the day.
8. Someone you love:
At this time of year we’re often catching up with loved ones. Take a photo of someone you love. If you’re not seeing a loved one today – take a photo of a photo – or get creative.
9. Out + about:
Whatever you do today, take a photo while you’re doing it.
10. Under:
Take a photo of something {anything!} under something.
11. Sweet:
Take a photo of something sweet {food or not!}
12. Hat:
Take a photo of a hat. If it’s cold – perhaps a beanie. If it’s hot, perhaps a sun hat.
13. Lights:
Take a photo of some lights at night.
14. Something green:
Find something green in your travels today and take a photo to share.
15. Outdoors:
Get outside and snap something outside.
16. Something you made:
Perhaps it’s just some toast, or something more extravagant. Shoot it.
17. On the floor:
Look down and shoot something on the ground.
18. Makes you feel merry:
What’s making you happy today? Shoot it.
19. Something beginning with ‘s’:
Find something beginning with S and shoot it.
20. Weather:
In some parts of the world it will be snowing, in others it will be REALLY hot. Share a photo that represents the weather where you are.
21. Tree:
Take a photo of a tree {yes, we did this last month – but try and be creative!}
22. Decoration:
It could be Christmas related, or a decoration in your home.
23. Joy is______:
What makes your filled with joy? Take a photo.
24. Tradition/something you always do:
What’s something you always do? A family tradition?
25. Lunchtime:
If you celebrate Christmas – take a photo of what you’re doing at lunchtime {traveling, partying, opening gifts, laughing, drinking}. If you don’t celebrate Christmas – share what you did at lunchtime.
26. Mess:
Take a photo of a mess. Or a lack of one if you’re that way inclined.
27. How you relax:
How do you like to chill out? Read a book, lay on the beach? Take a photo.
28. Cold:
Take a photo of something cold.
29. Hot:
Take a photo of something hot.
30. Something that made you smile this year:
Reflect on the year gone by and find something made you smile.
31. Self-portrait:
Take your last selfie for the year. If you’re partying, take a photo with friends. If you’re having a quiet night in, take a photo of what you’re doing. Self-portraits don’t have to be obvious. I like very abstract ones – feet are an easy way to take a photo of yourself.

Questo mese, già carico di tante altre cose, non farò la pubblicazione giornaliera, vedrò se farne una settimanale o ogni 3/4 gg... ancora non ho deciso, ma gli scatti quelli sì, serviranno ad arricchire il DECEMBER DAILY che per la prima volta vorrei realizzare :-)
Dai, chi mi fa compagnia?

8 commenti:

  1. mi piacerebbe...

    ma già ho saltato quello di oggi.

    Che facevo alle 8 o'clock?
    Ehm.... no, decisamente meglio aver saltato quello scatto!

    1. Mi chiedevo,
      ma Chiara.. perchè non ne organizzi uno tu?

    2. Beh, per quest'anno mi accodo a quelli esistenti (c'è anche questo in italiano,, ma l'anno prossimo, vedi mai, partendo per tempo...

  2. Chiara! Ti faccio compagnia io! E spero davvero di riuscire a tenere fede ad ogni tappa XD

  3. io ci sono! sto facendo le foto ma ho deciso anch'io di non pubblicarle giorno per giorno-mi sto divertendo un sacco!

  4. iiu uuuuu...

    Mi devo essere persa qualche info.
    Spero che tu sia in vacanza...

    (tutto bene vero?)

    1. Vacanza? E' un nome in codice per descrivere due bambini con la varicella e un pc rotto??? :-)
      Comunque sono di nuovo qui, non vi libererete di me tanto facilmente, hi hi hi!!!


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